What is the structure of the test?

The APTIS General test consists of five sections: core (grammar & vocabulary), reading, listening, writing and speaking. The core section is used as a guide if you are between levels, and for the four other skills you are awarded a CEFR level (A1-C).


READING 39/50 B2
FINAL SCORE 156/200 B2

(APTIS General: Example Scorecard)

Download the APTIS General candidate guide here


CORE: Grammar & Vocabulary

You will have 25 minutes to complete 50 grammar and vocabulary questions. You will be asked to choose the correct response from a list of possible answers which test your knowledge of English grammar, collocations and expressions.


You will be asked to complete four different tasks in 35 minutes. The tasks become more difficult as the test progresses and include reading informal emails, sequencing short stories, completing  gap-fill texts and matching heading to paragraphs in an article.


You will have a maximum of 55 minutes to answer 25 questions. You may listen to each recording twice and will choose from four possible answers. The audios become more difficult as the test progresses and include announcements, voice messages, advertisements, radio shows and dialogues between two speakers.


The writing section of the exam is based on a theme which runs throughout the four tasks, becoming more challenging as the test progresses. You will have 55 minutes to complete short answers about yourself, respond to questions in a social media chat, prepare a short email to a friend and write a formal email to a company or organisation.


The speaking section of the test lasts for approximately 12 minutes. Tasks include responding to personal questions, describing photographs, giving your opinions and talking about an experience in your life.


Other Information

  • The tasks in each section become more difficult as the test progresses (A1-C level).
  • All sections are taken on a computer – including the speaking section.
  • Your final score is an average of all four sections and your score in the grammar & vocabulary section is taken into account if are between levels. For example, you do not have to achieve B2 is all the sections to be awarded a B2 as your overall final score.

Aptis Scoring System

Please note this is not an exact scoring system, as you could be awarded a higher or lower level for a skill based on your grammar & vocabulary score.
On your final certificate the score will be from 50 (E.g. 20/25 = 40/50) to fit the British Council algorithm.

Reading (from 25)
B1 = 14-17
B2 = 18-21
C = 22-25

Listening (from 25)
B1 = 10-15
B2 = 16-19
C = 20 -25